In the early 1960s an established young mariner by the name of George S. Kaminis took it upon himself to revolutionize the Greek marine industry. With extensive shipboard experience already under his belt, George S Kaminis opened the first Kaminco office in the heart of Greece’s maritime hub; 57 Akti Miaouli, Port of Piraeus. The first of many pioneering movements was the brokerage and financial structuring of the sale and delivery of 40 second hand ships; assisting the rapid development of the Greek Shipping community at its early stages. Apart from brokerage, Kaminco was responsible for the upgrade and maintenance of multiple vessels with an early portfolio of 90+ turn key propulsion installations. Countless steam/diesel conversions followed along with the supervision and delivery of numerous new builds for some of the largest Greek shipping families. Gaining momentum rapidly, George S. Kaminis foresaw market needs and acted quickly, introducing multiple new technologies to the shipping community such as watertight hatch covers. Soon after their introduction 85+ ship retrofits were secured along with 400+ new build order installations; paving the way for what would be Greece’s most successful technology distributor. In the late 70s Kaminco diversified by introducing tank level gauging, cargo monitoring and control systems, inert gas systems and high performance cargo valve technologies. It is our honor and duty to be humbly serving the Greek and global shipping community for over 50 years and we aim to continue for generations to come.

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